'Cursed be he that honoureth not his father and mother: and all the people shall say: Amen.'
Deuteronomy 27:16
Happy Father's Day from the Hive. I've had a great day, thanks to the special attention from my daughter and my wife, who worked very hard to make this a nice day for me. Lot's of good food, some great gifts, and a nice relaxing day rounded out my Father's day.
But I would be remiss if I didn't take a little time to recognize some special Fathers in my life.
My Dad: It becomes increasingly apparant to me how lucky I am that my parents never killed me :-). Truth be told, Dad worked many long hours and made many personal sacrifices to make sure that I had tghe tools I needed to make a good life for me and my family. Dad put me up (and put up with me) all through school until it was time to leave the nest. Through my education and upbringing, my parents empowered me to reach a higher level. There is no question I would not be where I am without the support of my Mom and Dad, and without my Dad's tireless efforts to help me achieve what I really could be. So thanks, Dad. Monetarily, I really can't ever pay you back for what you have given to me, but I hope that you recognize the undying gratitude that I have for the sacrifices that you and Mom made in order for me to get to where I am.
Mr. Dave: I met Janie's Dad it's been about 15 years ago and of course at the time I was just a nervous young punk and very intimidated by the father of my future wife. But over these years I've come to know and respect this man in a way I never thought I would. Mr. Dave is a self-made man, coming from rural Kentucky to become a successful businessman who has done his family well. He has served our Country in uniform, and served his family as well. We share many common values, including the belief in the value of hard work, and we both love our Moms, wives, and daughters. Mr. Dave has been a real inspiration to me over these years and it has been my pleasure to know you.
Since I'm on a role tonight, I'd also like to reach back a generation and recognize my Grandads, because they meant so much with respect all the positive attributes that I might possess:
Grandpa Hite: If you never met my Grandpa Hite, then I do not have sufficient time or space here to describe him to you. The bottom line is that Grandpa "Big R" Hite taught me in no uncertain terms the true value of hard work. You talk about lousy jobs, he could come up with them, but Grandpa always rewarded us when we worked hard. It was a hard lesson to learn, but by the time I was in college, I was starting to realize what he was trying to teach us. When I went out into the workforce, I took the value of hard work that my Grandpa taught me and it has in no small measure lead me to the success I enjoy today. Because of my Grandpa, I'm proud to be Hite and I'm proud to bring that legendary Hite work ethic into the workforce. Unfortunately, Grandpa left us before I really had a chance to show him that I could do it, but I think I would've done him proud.
Grandaddy Greenwell: My Grandad was truly a great man. He was a gentle giant of a man, and I always imagined that Abraham Lincoln must've been something like my Grandaddy Greenwell. He was a self made man, a tireless worker and a master craftsmen. And he was the kindest and gentlest person that you would ever meet. Grandaddy raised his big family (to include my Mom) and still found time along the way to become one of the finest rythm guitarists in the business. He was a self taught former Marine who took pride in his work and always found time for his family and the church. My Grandad passed away just a short time before my mom, and I sure miss them both, but they have given so much to me I only regret I didn't have the opportunity to make them proud.
So there's the synopsis of the Dad's in my life. Hope that the visitors to the Hive have had such a rewarding experience as I have. Take care and see you later.