Visitors to The Hive have seen my many posts on The Great Red Shark, my prized 2002 Z28 Camaro.

This is a great car that's always been an attention-getter and has always been a joy to drive. But lately, I was finding myself with less and less time to enjoy The Shark, and after long days at work and many hours in the driver seat commuting back and forth thereto, the notion of going on a "pleasure drive" in my "toy" car became less and less feasible.
Then it happened.
Ironically, we were out window shopping for a new car for Janie when I saw it. Janie is due for a new vehicle, and we have been planning to get one for quite some time, so we were out looking at what was available. I also knew it wouldn't be long before I would be looking for something for myself, so I had that thought in the back of my mind. That's when I spotted it, at the local dealership, sitting quietly by itself under the overhang.
Things happened quickly, and the next thing I know, I'm in posession of the future of our fleet. So meet the new sheriff in town, and his name, is Phaedrus.

A couple of things had to happen for this to take place. I traded my truck on the new car, so it's the first time in about 10 years I haven't had a truck in the fleet. Secondly, and most significantly, I've had to let The Great Red Shark go. Fortunately, I know it is going to a good home. You see, as it works out, Janie's uncle, who sold me the car originally, is going to buy it back. We plan to deliver it this weekend.
But before we sent The Shark back home, we got a shot of the past and future together. I thought it was pretty cool so I thought I would share it here . . .

All things come to pass.
While I'm sad to see the Shark go, I think you will get to enjoy the new car even more. And, honestly, these pictures don't do it justice! We can always visit the Shark, he's not going that far....
Did you just say, "Visitors to The Hive have seen my many posts on..."?
MANY posts? I'm not sure where you learned the definition of MANY, but with your infrequent writing I don't think you've posted MANY items about anything. I had about given up on you.
Cool car though.
Tony _
E Unum Pluribus.
You took great care of the Great Red Shark and you can feel good that it left you in as good or better shape than when you picked it up in London. There is a lot to be said for that with a car or anything else that we come in contact with in life
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